Monday 31 January 2011

Exhibition Review: V&A Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes, 1909-1929

Travelling to London, I engaged to the exhibition ‘Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes 1909–1929’ taken place at the memorizing V&A gallery. This awe-striking Ballet choreographed by the compelling Serge De Diaghilev, involving Russian contextual, florescent costumes with the work of Coco Chanel, Pablo Picasso and Matisse left no questions on why this widespread production has compelled in an original dedicated art scene.
The Ballet Russes , founded in 1909 by Serge De Diaghilev was the forefront of the Russian Ballet scene. Diaghilev was the founder of the international ballet company; through different works of art, exhibitions and pop-art posters he expanded his empire to a world class audience, exciting the viewer in many different ways. This exhibition lands a new, exciting, colourful way into the world of the ballet company, appealing to all different preferences. The stunning red walls follow you through the unique costumes designed by Leon Bakst who creates not a way of representing the theatrical experience through, stunning embellishment, deep colours and authenticity to what the Russian Ballet was about. Through his new designs which had never been seen before, Bakst created a lot of publicity and was worn throughout Parisian women. Alongside talented designers in Diaghilev masterpiece, many other attributes were focused on in this exhibition, the flamboyant layout showcasing all the different masterpieces, allowed a close up view on all the magnificent detail that needed to be seen. Diaghilev and ballet themselves were art, theatrical art which was to sweep over and invade Parisian society. ‘Parade’ which was a ballet, which Diaghilev collaborated with Pablo Picasso, saw the beginning of modernism, many different contemporary artists portrayed this through the vibrant paintings, which can be seen is this exhibition. Through different art forms , designs shown by Pablo Picasso and Natalie Gonchorova Ballet Russes was ultimately published and shown to be a the beautiful ballet that it was.
Even just the sight and feel of this integrated exhibition is one to please anybody, exploring different Medias, lights, scales, (the giant tapestry) leaves a lasting impression of the man behind this great production. Not knowing much of Diaghilev before seeing this exhibition , gave me a neutral approach , and this I thoroughly enjoyed , delving into every aspect of Diaghilev work , involving works of Picasso , Matisse and Coco Chanel and showing the influence of the First World War and how ballet lifted the hearts of many people. The astonishing creativity, technique and skill of all the dancers who worked in his production, put together with the contextual knowledge of Alexandre Benois and the work of various artist to create one art form. On the centenary this exhibition is one to be remembered, the different approaches that are held are ones to involve and to show exactly how impressive the Ballet Russes was and its worldwide credential. Not only does it involve the art form that is theatrical art, it highlights on all the historical period, on how these all waved on Diaghilev success.

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